
Sneha Aenugu
1 min readJun 4, 2023

Something soft and silent whispers across to me from a silent room

Is it a friend or a foe? I chose to ignore their callings,

Don’t stick your head where it does not belong, wise men say

For once, I heeded these wise men.

I carried on as if nothing existed in the world. Me and my own.

Vanity and pride.

The whispers continued and grew into silent screams that pressed into my ear drums.

I plugged my ears with wax to shut them off entirely.

Now the silent screams grew into thunderous wailings.

All the wax in the world could not erase them for me then.

I closed my eyes trying to be attuned to the wails,

with minutes growing long and tedious.

Soon the howls of despair faded into the background,

in semblance of a metronome beat of a ticking clock.

And in peace, I got back to my own.

