
Sneha Aenugu
1 min readJun 12, 2023

Bright twinkling eyes staring into me
Lit up by a spark that my features seemed to ignite
A pair of eyes creating a version of me I felt I didn’t deserve
Insisting it in masking it in a specially ordered filter that absolves me of all sins galore

To many others, including me in front of the mirror, the image of mine is that of failure
But to this pair of eyes, it is of love, desire, and perfection
They seem to follow me around, no matter where I go, what I do
As if a bright spotlight shone upon my meagre self

Shedding tears over me both in ecstasy and in melancholy
They mirror my sorrow and amplify my joy a thousand fold
Beaming upon with me pride over my minutest accomplishment
They elevate me in an instant better than any award or accolade

They won me over in the end
I started seeking them wherever I go, whatever I do
In certainty and in doubt
In sickness and in health
And they were always there for me
Until they weren’t

The day those eyes closed forever
Is the day the image of love, desire, and perfection disappeared
I lamented the loss of both the beauty and its beholder
For the illusion vanished with them
And what is left behind is ordinary, lackluster, and lovelorn

