I’ll never know

Sneha Aenugu
1 min readJun 21, 2023

Bounding joy bursting forth like a dam
knowing no limits
Beauty rushing to wrap me in a warm embrace
enough to overlay all that is dark and wound
Maybe this is good, maybe this is for the best
I’ll never know
In a moment it all disappeared knowing no return address
All this agony crept up from behind without a notice
preventing me from seeking solace in any beauty
All my dreams shattered to bits in front of me
Can I love leaving no morale behind?
Can I laugh knowing no constraints?
Can it be that that which kept me from moving forward
silently beckoned me and consumed me?
A battle of wills and I am stuck in between knowing no end in sight
Just living, just surviving
Why should this be so?
No one ever bothered to enlighten me
Maybe no one cared enough
Maybe this is good, maybe this is for the best
I’ll never know

