
Sneha Aenugu
1 min readJun 3, 2023

Tumbling thoughts, like a river, rushing through my brain
Swirling in emotions, dancing in raptures, wailing in distress,
A hodge-pudge of remembrances reverberating through my brain
Pounding it into submission, ululating in triumphant jubilation.

Breathe, I chide myself, putting up a fight against an all-powerful and immovable force
Held at bay for the briefest of the moment,
Make an encore with the force of an avalanche breaking through a meager makeshift dam
Unrelenting I succumb, live to fight another day.

Should that day ever come, when I learn to vanquish their hold on me
They who know my deepest fears, darkest secrets, and deeper than darker passions
Hold them hostage, threaten utter annihilation,
Yet purr at the slightest hint of affection.

Am I a puppet that dances to the tunes of abstract forces,
That have no life of their own except the one that I breathe into them
Will I find a salvation, an equalizing force that firmly plants me aground
Against those forces that threaten to uproot me into listless oblivion.

